How To Keep Makeup From Creasing Under Eyes

Under-eye concealers are one of the few cosmetic items that we have a love-hate relationship with, along with a few others (except liquid eyeliner, of course). Do not misunderstand us; the aforementioned items are very necessary to our survival. Here are 9 tips on how to keep makeup from under eye creases..

However, after just a few hours of use, it may start to crease under eye, cake, settle into lines, and draw attention to the same feature that we are trying to hide. Even if we are very daring when it comes to our cosmetics, we do not consider that to be a fun way to spend our time.

Concealer for the area beneath the eyes is an absolute must for many of us. After staying up till one in the morning watching TikTok videos, this is the product that we turn to in order to cover up any signs of fatigue, from dark circles to uneven skin tone. When we use concealer, we want it to perform as advertised and for it to continue doing so throughout the day.

The Secret Tips How To Keep Makeup From Creasing Under Eyes

1. Begin With Your Skin Care Routine

First and foremost to know how to keep makeup from under eye creases, hydration is essential for skincare, just as it is for the preparation of cosmetics. When you begin by giving your under-eye area plenty of moisture, your concealer will glide on more smoothly, be more evenly distributed, and be less likely to crease under eye or seem cakey (especially if you have dry skin or mature skin). 

Always pay attention to your skin first, since makeup can only appear as nice as the surface it’s lying on, eye massage, eye serums, and eye creams are all effective ways to reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles, dryness, puffiness, and dark circles under the eyes. 

  • Although there are certain products that have an immediate impact, the most important things for improving your base are sticking to a skincare program, maintaining a balanced diet, and getting enough water.
  • Be careful not to use too much product while applying your skincare products. Before putting your makeup.
  • When skincare products and concealer are combined, the mixture might become oily. If you are going to be fixing the color of your eyelids or using concealer, you should avoid putting heavy cream in that region.

2. Select The Appropriate Formula For Your Concealer

When it comes to concealer, choose the proper texture is essential for getting a finish that is smooth and crease under eye -free. It is essential to locate a concealer formula that works well with your skin, regardless of whether you like creamy or liquid varieties.

Also, instead of going for a thicker, full-coverage concealer, consider going for something with a lighter texture instead. Even if you are worried about coverage, it is still possible to get it (more on that further below). Concealers that are lightweight tend to be more flexible and have a lower likelihood of settling into wrinkles. 

  • If you are attempting to hide any puffiness, you should avoid applying concealer all over your face, particularly if you are using a lighter shade. 
  • This will bring to your attention any regions that are elevated. Avoid applying additional layers of concealer to dark circles without first adjusting their color, and steer clear of using concealer “just because.”

3. Keep In Mind That Positioning Is Really Important

We’ve seen so many different techniques for applying concealer under the eyes, from the upside-down triangle approach to focusing just on the inside and outside corners of the eyes. How you should apply concealer is determined by a number of factors, including the amount of coverage you want, the texture and type of your skin, and other factors. 

  • Apply to the inner corner of the eye as well as the outer corner of the eye for a lifting and brightening effect.
  • To alter the size of your camouflage bags, use a fine brush and apply the color just where there is shade (sunken region).
  • Applying a tiny quantity of color corrector to the region on your under eyes where you wish to reduce the appearance of blackness can help (a product that dries down is best to prevent sliding or mixing). 
  • Tap the concealer that is the closest match to the tone of your skin on top, and as you blend, try to avoid using a wiping motion.

When Working With Fine Lines, Start With A Very Little Quantity And Gradually Add More Product To Avoid Under Eye Makeup Crease

When it comes to avoiding creasing, there is one guideline that applies to everyone and every situation: never put concealer straight over your lower lash line. Because the skin in this region is so thin and sensitive, it is unable to retain as much product as the skin on the rest of your face.

4. Construct Your Protection by Adding Layers

It is just as crucial how you apply your concealer as it is what formula you use; if you don’t apply it properly, even the greatest concealers will crease on your face. Applying many layers of concealer is the best technique to reduce the appearance of creases caused by the product. 

  • “Apply concealer in thin layers, and after each application, stand back and look at your face in the mirror to assess how the concealer is working overall.” 
  • Nobody is staring at your face as intently as you are. No one else is doing it! 

According to Shannon Marie, a popular makeup artist  “my favorite way to press in color is with a little flat brush, and then I use a fluffy brush to carefully remove extra product and dilute the borders.” The best way to stop under eye makeup crease.

5. Cover Up the Appearance of Wrinkles and Fine Lines

It may be difficult to keep concealer from settling into fine lines and wrinkles when applying it to the face. 

Applying the product to a palette or the palm of your hand offers you control over how much of a product you are using and where it goes. When I use my buffing technique on fine lines and wrinkles in order to warm up the product, you will  find that you really like using this.

6. Blot Before Setting

Blotting your concealer may help produce an even finish and avoid creasing, much as you blot your lipsticks to provide greater coverage and smoother results. Blotting your concealer can also help lessen the appearance of fine lines. 

  • After you have applied concealer and blended it out
  • take a piece of the blotting paper you typically use and press it on your under-eye region, directly on top of the concealer. 
  • This will help set the concealer. 

Because of this, any extra product or remaining oils will be prevented from settling into tiny wrinkles and creases, resulting in an overall finish that is more perfect. Always carry blotting papers with you so that you may touch up your makeup for under eye creases wherever you go.

7. Finish By Setting The Powder

You will then be able to determine whether or not you need to remove part of it before you powder it. I first blend it out, and then I use a Q-tip that has a very tiny tip to eliminate any excess product lines. 

When it comes time to set, lightly tap or roll a fluffy brush over the area that has concealer put to it. Best go-to powders for setting concealer are the- 

  • Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder
  • Charlotte Tilbury Airbrush Flawless Finish
  • Danessa Myricks Evolution Setting Powder. 

The reason for this is because all three of these powders have a very fine milling.

8. Try Baking

Another strategy that we like since it has such incredible lasting power? Light baking. Not the heavy-handed application of powder that you are used to associate with the phrase, but the identical approach with simply a little dusting of powder rather than a heavy application.

  •  First, you should make sure that your concealer is evenly blended
  • then you should apply setting powder using a makeup sponge, a powder brush, or a setting brush. 
  • While you complete the rest of your makeup for under eye creases
  • give the powder at least five to ten minutes to settle. 

This helps absorb any oils, and it also keeps your concealer in place more effectively. Then, remove all of the dust carefully. If you see shiny patches throughout the course of the day, touch up your concealer by giving your face a very small dusting of powder to absorb the shine and re-set it.

9. Put The Concealer On Very Last

Concealer is often the first step in our makeup processes, since this is how we like to use it. However, the concept behind Shannon Marie’s technique is that using less concealer would result in less creasing of the makeup. Makes logical, right? 

According to Shannon Marie, “one of my favorite concealer application tricks is to do it at the very end of your makeup regimen.” You normally do not need as much as you believe you do, and frequently a cheek color or eyeliner colour choice will distract from blackness below the eye. 

If You Use Less Product, There Will Be Less Creases In The Finished Result

Final Thought

To summarize, concealer creasing is something that occurs to everyone of us at some point or another, and it’s quite natural. However, there are techniques that may assist in bringing it under control. Continue reading for nine tried-and-true recommendations from the experts on how to keep your concealer looking flawless, fresh, and crease-free for many hours.

Frequently Asked Questions About How To Keep Makeup From Creasing Under Eyes

How do I stop my eye makeup from creasing?

Use the perfect amount of makeup which is less, and powder to set it.

How do you keep concealer from settling in creases and lines?

Make sure to blend it well and setting it with powder before you start moving your eyes much.

Does primer stop eyeshadow creasing?

Yes, primer is a great option to stop your eyeshadow from creasing. It helps keep the eye shadow intact.

Should you let eye primer dry before applying eyeshadow?

You should always let your primer dry before you apply any sort of makeup to prevent it from slipping under the makeup.

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