Why Does My Nose Peel When I put Makeup On?

If you were taking Makeup 101, a hypothetical but realistic cosmetology course, one of the first things you would certainly learn is that skin preparation is essential before putting makeup. Have you ever attempted to apply foundation or concealer to skin that is dry, peeling, or devoid of moisture?

If you have, you will comprehend why: It literally does not make sense. When your skin is in trouble, it is really important to have a strategy for applying makeup.

One of the most common questions which is asked is “why does my nose peel when I put makeup on?”

Fortunately, we have you covered. We researched and found opinions from two reputable makeup artists and a board-certified dermatologist for their best advice on how to achieve immaculate makeup even if your skin is in poor condition. (It should come as no surprise that this begins with the skin.)

Reasons Why Does My Nose Peel When I put Makeup On 

First, smooth things out.

Shari Marchbein, a New York City-based dermatologist, explains that flaking skin and facial dryness can be caused by a variety of factors, including but not limited to rashes caused by allergic reactions, skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, extreme temperatures, overuse of harsh products such as retinoids and other acne medications, and excessive exfoliation.

In any circumstance, Marchbein suggests reducing your skin-care regimen and using a very gentle scrub to exfoliate dry or peeling skin (we prefer the 2021 Best of Beauty Award-winning Bliss Well Yes! Healthy Glow Multivitamin Scrub). She recommends Neutrogena’s Hydro Boost Gel-Cream Extra-Dry for this purpose.

If your skin is dry, you may substitute a gel for a heavier moisturizer, such as Eau Thermale Avène’s Tolerance Extreme Cream, which has skin-softening ingredients such as shea butter and thermal spring water.

However, if you’re short on time, cosmetics artist Robin Black offers a great technique to combat obstinate dry patches. She states matter-of-factly, “This easy approach works instantaneously to remove dry skin from the face and lips.” 

How To Apply Makeup So It Doesn’t Crack Or Peel?

Add Extra Layers For Safety

Once your skin is feeling clean and nourished once again, it’s time to prime it with either a standard primer or a face oil and/or moisturizer formulated for dry skin. This will let your makeup to go on smoothly and maintain its radiance.

Tom Pecheux, a renowned makeup artist, is renowned for applying oil to his customers’ skin, as well as applying more oil to any dry areas, to make skin seem extraordinarily radiant. Olio Lusso by Rodin is one of his favorites. (It is no longer available, but we recommend Farmacy Honey Grail Ultra-Hydrating Face Oil.)

If you like primers, Flowers suggests YSL’s Touche Éclat Blur Primer, which she claims gives the complexion a gentle glow and conceals surface imperfections such as uneven texture and big pores. Check out our list of favorites if you’re interested.

Step 3: Select the desired base.

Whether you choose a full-coverage foundation, tinted moisturizer, or concealer depends purely on the finish you believe works best with your skin type. Choose a foundation that hydrates the skin, rather than one that depletes it and puts you back to square one.

Now To Answer The Final Question- 

How Can I Avoid Having My Liquid Foundation Seperate And Look Weird On My Nose

In other words, on days when your skin is dry or peeling, you should avoid using powder cosmetics (a tip that comes courtesy of bicoastal makeup artist Ingeborg).

“I enjoy RMS Un Cover-Up because it’s creamy, calming, and weightless,” she adds, adding that she also loves concealers from Nars, including the renowned Radiant Creamy Concealer.

If you prefer a traditional foundation, Flowers suggests Chanel’s Vitalumiere Moisture Rich Radiance Sunscreen Fluid Makeup. She claims that it provides a light-to-medium coverage and a lovely dewy finish. 

We propose using Charlotte Tilbury’s Beautiful Skin Foundation in its absence. “For a flawless finish, apply with a wet Beautyblender or buffing brush,” she suggests.

Final Thoughts

If your skin is dry and you want to set your makeup with a setting product, Flowers suggests using a spray formulation rather than a powder. “The next step is to spray skin with a moisturizing mist, such as GlamGlow’s Glowsetter Makeup Setting Spray, which will refresh makeup and provide a stunning finish,” she advises, adding that it also smells divine and makes makeup stay all day. 

What more could you ask for? All of this indicates that it is feasible for your makeup to appear fantastic even if your skin feels terrible. 

Frequently Ask Questions About Why Does My Nose Peel When I put Makeup On

How do you get the foundation to stick to your nose?

Make sure to mosturise, prime and use a good foundation that matches your skin type. 

Why is my nose flaky after makeup?

It is because your nose most probably lacks moisture and does not have the capacity to make the foundation or concealer to stick. 

How do I get rid of peeling skin on my nose?

Make sure you have the accurate amount of hydration for your skin, so that you can get rid of the peeling. 

Why does my foundation look weird on my nose?

The reason could be many, first would be that your nose is too dry or too oily. Make sure to exfoliate and hydrate it properly, so that your makeup settles properly into your skin. 

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